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Love for the Harvester


Outside of my time with Tikkun Olam Ministries, most of my career has been spent within agriculture. After graduating college I started my career in “Big Ag” working for one of the largest agricultural processing companies in the world, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM). Based in central Illinois, my commute to and from work was surrounded by corn stalks and soybeans, a stark contrast from the pine trees and mountains I was accustomed to from my Colorado upbringing. The endless fields in the heartland of America quickly grew on me, and I developed a real love for agriculture. After leaving ADM and trusting in the Lord for the next chapter of my life, I once again found myself in the agricultural industry. In 2019, my family started a business in Fort Benton, Montana, where my scenic views now consist of rolling hills of wheat and barley. 
Because of my field of work, I often find that many of my thoughts and actions revolve around the concept of “harvest”.  Before entering the world of agriculture, I may have looked at the weather forecast and considered how it might affect my wardrobe choices or weekend plans. Now my thoughts revolve around this year's crop or what kind of yield to expect. Before I started my career, I sat on the porch admiring the ominous clouds of thunder about to roll in with not a care in the world. These days, I find myself praying for it to rain instead of hail, and fretfully watching the radar, wondering which fields the storm might hit. 

A case tractor and air drill set up, getting ready to plant industrial hemp in Montana.

A case tractor and air drill set up, getting ready to plant industrial hemp in Montana.

Ken and Morgan Elliott standing in an industrial hemp field in 2020, fully enjoying and marveling at the hard work their grower’s have done.

Ken and Morgan Elliott standing in an industrial hemp field in 2020, fully enjoying and marveling at the hard work their grower’s have done.

Since I now have a personal understanding of the “harvest”, I possess a much deeper appreciation for the Bible stories that expound upon the harvest. Themes such as the laborer in the fields and the seeds sown carry a deeper personal meaning. I love how the Lord speaks through parables that call upon these themes of life, making them so relevant and eye opening to what the people of that time knew so well! Although some may feel these themes have lost their relevance, when you spend time in the agricultural industry, you know how relevant these parables still are today. 

You may be wondering what this has to do with Tikkun Olam and why I am sharing this with you. Oftentimes, we don’t reflect enough on God’s heart for the harvester just as much as his heart for the harvest! In the books of Luke and Matthew, Jesus talks about how plentiful the harvest is and how few the laborers may be. We see how much he cares for the work: healing the blind, feeding the hungry, and saving the marginalized--what I would call the “harvest” of his time. But when you read between the lines, look at who he is spending the most time with, and who he is patiently caring for. It's his disciples! They are the ones spending the intimate and life-changing time with Jesus; they are the ones whose hearts are being molded and refined to reflect that of their master; and they are the ones who experience the Father’s love not once, but every moment, as they spend time with Him. They are the Harvesters the Lord so cares for.

I point this out not to diminish the amazing miracles and life-changing work that Jesus did with countless strangers, but to highlight the Lord’s heart for the Harvester as well as the Harvest. Since starting Tikkun Olam with my family five years ago, I can say firsthand that this is still true about the Father today. Does He care for Wolf Point? Does He care for the children we teach and love? Does He care for the hungry and broken people we encounter every day? Absolutely! But additionally, I believe He cares for our staff and their hearts. He cherishes every intimate moment He gets with them as they labor in the field. There are two sides to every coin, and the work in ministry is no different. I have seen the Lord change my heart and give me vision to see the world through His lens more and more each day since starting my life in ministry. When I get the chance to labor in the field for the harvest, I see it even more. He is faithful to use our labor not only for His kingdom work but also to further the work in our hearts as well. 

Morgan and her mother Jana

Morgan and her mother Jana

Morgan spending her summer working with the neighborhood kids in Wolf Point.

Morgan spending her summer working with the neighborhood kids in Wolf Point.

Of course, I wish my mom were still here and I could call her up this evening to share my day with her. However, when I look around at who the Lord has brought in her absence and how beautiful the family He has given me instead, I can’t help but have an overwhelming sense of peace and love. I care so much for the people the Lord has brought to Wolf Point and truly consider them family. Where the hole in my heart for my mother is, God continues to fill with the most amazing, compassionate, and caring people I have ever met. I am thankful that He is a Father that cares for the work we are doing and blesses the labor we do in the field, but I am even more thankful that He is a Father who intimately cares for the Harvester and knows exactly what we need. 

Take heart knowing that the Lord is absolutely trying to use you as a laborer for His harvest, and he is absolutely calling you to serve. But be courageous and go boldly into the field because the God of All Things, the Mighty One who never changes, cares for YOU, His Harvester, and will leave you better today than you were yesterday!


A quick glance at some of the harvesters the Lord has faithfully brought to Wolf Point whom I love and care for dearly - my family!

Morgan Elliott